Check-In / Check-Out
15:00-22:00 / -10:00
Free LAN access throughout the hotel
All guest rooms are non-smoking
Designated smoking areas available within the premises
No dedicated parking available.
We apologize for the inconvenience, but if you are coming by car, please use the nearby coin-operated parking lots.
Cancellation Policy
A 100% cancellation fee will be charged for cancellations made within 7 days prior to the check-in date.
Cancellation policies may vary depending on the plan, so please contact us in advance for details.
Kids Policy
No accommodation charges for children 5 years and under.
In-Room Amenities
Toothbrush / Comb / Towels
Slippers / Pajamas
Rental Items
Hair iron / Charger / Humidifier
Clothes iron & ironing board
Razor / Blanket
※Please request these items at the front desk if needed.
Room Amenities
Free WiFi / Refrigerator / Television
Air conditioner / Hairdryer
Electric kettle / Washlet toilet
A record rack, curated by「Pinks Vinyl」is available next to the front desk for you to rent records.
For instructions on how to use the record player, check here!
The bath amenities provided in our bathrooms are from Kanazawa's original brand「Petricor」by Korinkyo.
Petrichor is a sulfate-free amenity brand that uses no petroleum-derived ingredients. Instead of synthetic fragrances, it uses natural essential oils, and instead of synthetic dyes, it uses caramel coloring. These bath products are designed to be gentle on the skin while providing a smooth feel and a rich lather.These luxurious amenities were created through numerous prototypes and careful collaboration with a manufacturer in Kanazawa. They offer not just cleanliness, but an exceptionally fragrant and tactile bathing experience.(Quoted from the official website)
For each night of your stay, we offer a complimentary welcome ice cream in collaboration with「BIG BABY ICE CREAM」from Shin-Maruko, Kanagawa.